Small screen's much loved actor Barun Sobti surely knows how to live it up in style. The actor was recently seen playing golf and looked absolutely engrossed in the game. I have reservations about doing intimate scenes: Barun Sobti The much-married Barun Sobti talks about how bold he can get on screen in a chat with Neha Maheshwri Bhagat Sporting a pink t-shirt with black trousers and white sneakers, Barun posted this video on Instagram which shows how much he loves the sport. Take a look. #Golf ⛳️ A video posted by Barun Sobti (@barunsobtisays) on Jun 9, 2016 at 4:04pm PDT On TV, Barun's first noticeable role was of Shravan Jaiswal in Baat Hamari Pakki Hai. Nowadays, he is also also busy...